The Natural Division of Southern Pool & Spa, LLC
The Natural Division of Southern Pool & Spa, LLC
The Natural Division of Southern Pool & Spa, LLC
The Natural Division of Southern Pool & Spa, LLC
Check out these Natural Pools... No chlorine tabs and no granular shock EVER, right here in Austin, Texas!
Chlorine is toxic to your HEALTH! This carcinogen absorbs through the skin, the largest organ of the body, and is stored in the thyroid gland directly interfering with the bodies natural hormone production. The thyroid uses iodine to regulate hormones and metabolism, but our bodies cannot distinguish between iodine and chlorine so when chlorine is absorbed, it displaces iodine. But the thyroid gland cannot use chlorine causing a direct interference with metabolism and hormone production which can lead to severe physical issues, like hyper- and hypo-thyroidism, as well as mental health issues from hormone imbalance. Furthermore, studies link chlorine exposure to an increased risk of thyroid cancer in women, reduced sperm count and sperm motility in men, lower testosterone in adolescent males, early onset asthma in children, premature skin aging, and accelerated tooth decay ... Switch to Natural Healthy Sanitation Today!
It's FREE! Natural Pool Sanitation cost pennies compared to chlorine and is free when considering how much money will be saved on chlorine. Natural Sanitation pays for itself and comes with a 5-year manufacturers warranty and 8 -year extended warranty option. Think of how much money is spent on an 8-year supply of chlorine. Worse yet, consider the health complications of 8 years of cumulative chlorine exposure. But a Natural pool sanitation system will outlive its warranty and will continue saving money on chlorine the rest of the life of the pool. Every time you're not adding chlorine you're saving money and more importantly, promoting health. Currently, you are paying enormous amounts to add carcinogenic products to the pool. How much more is being spent on related ailments caused by chlorine exposure. We've only got one body and those 'costs' transcend all monetary costs. Saving Your Health and Money Starts Today!
Stabilized chlorine pools have to be drained and refilled regularly. Chlorine pools require Cyanuric Acid Stabilizer to protect chlorine from sunlight UV. Without it, chlorine doesn't hold and is quickly dissipated. Chlorine tablets are also stabilized, so every time a tablet is added, stabilizer levels increase. After adding tabs just a few swim seasons, stabilizer levels can become so high chlorine loses effectiveness and more is needed until eventually a costly partial or complete drain and refill is required to 'reset' the stabilizer levels and regain chlorine effectiveness, equating to an immeasurable amount of combined water waste. However, stabilizer has no effect on Natural Pools. This means, even if a drain and refill is needed, it can be avoided by switching to Natural Pool Sanitation. This gives each of us the ability to, not only improve our health and save money, but also to help keep the lake full and conserve our water supply. Make the Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Choice by Upgrading to Natural Pool Sanitation Today!
You guessed it... PROFIT!!! Chlorine sales is a multibillion-dollar industry whereas copper costs pennies (it's literally copper!) when compared to chlorine and the industry knows when you realize the health, environmental, and cost benefits of Natural Pool Sanitation, you'll no longer be relied on to buy endless quantities of expensive TOXIC chlorine for the rest of the life of the pool. And you can no longer be relied on to buy medication and health products for skin, hair, eyes, teeth, thyroid, and hormone issues related to chlorine exposure. But are we really surprised to find entire industries willing to put profit over public health and the environment? IT IS THE BIGGEST SECRET IN THE POOL INDUSTRY!!! Take control, Live Naturally, and Eliminate all toxins in your life!
Hey Siri, is chlorine a carcinogen?
-“Chlorine is considered a carcinogen and has been used in poisonous gas, disinfectants, pesticides, and plastics. More on"
Hey Google, does chlorine affect male fertility?
-"In one study of over 2000 men exposed to chlorinated water, results found them to have reduced sperm motility (movement) and lower sperm count."
Chat GPT, are there studies that link Chlorine Exposure to Thyroid Issues?
-“A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in 2010 found that exposure to chlorinated water was associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer in women.”
-Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2017 examined the association between chlorinated water consumption and thyroid function in women. The study found that higher levels of chlorinated water consumption were associated with an increased risk of hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid does not produce enough hormones.”
Chat GPT, is there scientific research suggesting a potential link between chlorine exposure and lower testosterone in adolescence males?
-“One Study published in the International Journal of Andrology in 2007 observed a group of competitive swimmers and found those who trained in chlorinated pools had significantly lower testosterone levels compared to those who trained in non-chlorinated pools.
-Another study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment in 2015 found a correlation between chlorine exposure and decreased testosterone levels in adolescent boys who regularly swam in chlorinated pools.”
Chat GPT, are there studies that link chlorine exposure in pools to early asthma onset in children?
-"Yes, there have been studies that have explored the potential link between chlorine exposure in pools and early asthma onset in children. Here are a few examples:
1. A study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine in 2002... found that children who started swimming before age 2 had a higher risk of developing asthma...
2. Another study published in European Respiratory Journal in 2009...found that children who regularly attended indoor chlorinated pools before the age 2 had an increased risk of developing asthma...
3. A study published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2010... found that children who regularly swam in chlorinated pools during infancy had an increased risk of developing asthma..."
Hey Google, does chlorine cause premature aging of the skin?
-“Immersing your body in water can cause your skin pores to open up, which unfortunately allows more absorption of chlorine. Once chlorine gets into your cells, it strips away water, natural oils and sebum. This can cause your skin to dry out and crack, which can lead to wrinkles, small skin lesions and premature aging. "
Hey Google, does chlorine accelerate tooth decay?
-"Enamel is the first layer of protective coating on your teeth. But if you swim frequently, your enamel may erode due to chlorine exposure. "
“Copper is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many of the body's physiological processes. Here are some of the potential health benefits that copper can provide:
1. Aids Metabolic Function: Copper helps your body make red blood cells, which are needed to deliver oxygen to body tissues. It's also involved in energy production and the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals your brain uses to send signals to the rest of your body.
2. Supports Immune Function: Copper is known to stimulate the immune system to fight infections, repair injured tissues, and promote healing. It also helps to neutralize "free radicals" which can cause severe damage to cells.
3. Bone Health: Copper is beneficial for the strength and health of your bones. It is involved in the processes that create cross-links within and between collagen fibers, providing strength and stability to your bones and connective tissue.
4. Cardiovascular Health: Some studies suggest that copper might help to reduce cholesterol levels and thus, decrease the risk of heart disease.
5. Promotes Brain Health: Copper plays a role in brain development and function. It's involved in making neurotransmitters, the signaling chemicals that your brain uses to send messages.
6. Absorption of Iron: Copper aids in the absorption of iron from the intestine and the release from its primary storage sites like the liver.”
Hey Siri, is copper beneficial to the thyroid gland?
-“Copper helps ensure healthy thyroid hormone levels. More on”
Hey Siri, is copper used to sanitize water?
-“Copper has NATURAL anti-microbial properties that help kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. More on”
Hello Austin, Jesse here! I've been working on pools in your neighborhood for almost 20 years and in 2021 I lost my thyroid to chlorine exposure. So I became more interested in Healthy Natural Pool Maintenance and found Copper-Ion Sanitation. It’s what NASA has been using since the 80's to sanitize water in Outer Space and now YOU have a truly Natural, Healthy, and Environmentally Friendly alternative to toxic chlorine pool sanitation. It is our mission to Save Austin from Chlorine and related health and thyroid issues by helping convert carcinogenic chlorine pools into Natural Healthy pools that are like swimming in Bottled Space Water. The future of pool sanitation is here! If you self-maintain a Natural Pool System is perfect for you as it automates pool sanitation. Or, if you pay for pool service, then we are experts at weekly Natural Pool Maintenance. So if you're interested in converting to Natural, Healthy, Environmentally Friendly pool sanitation, now is the perfect time. Call or text me and start saving your health, money, and the environment today!
Jesse - Natural Pool Man
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